Monday, 30 January 2012


Hey Beauties,

I must admit I don’t go to the hair salon that much at all maybe once or twice a year. I’m always a DIY girl. But there is something about someone else doing your hair that feels great. No need to get mess everywhere. No need to stress if you miss any spots and also it’s a nice way to treat yourself.

Whenever I need to go to the Hairdressers I always go to Zumay in my local area. Zumay is amazing every time I go there I get great service the girls are friendly and I always ALWAYS walk out with what I wanted. Everyone hates it when you walk out with something completely different. But with Zumay they are just perfect. Zumay never let me down.

 In 2011 Zumay won 3 big awards including
-Lorna Evans Victorian Hairdresser of the year
Australian Hair Fashion Awards 2011

- Lorna Evans Australian Salon Manager of the year
Australian Hair Fashion Awards 2011

- Hair Expo Excellence in salon Marketing 2011

This year I wanted something new as red was getting a bit old for me. I saw a picture of Khole Kardashian and fell in love with the Balayage.

As I have plenty of build up from the red I do need to go back in 5 weeks times and re do the colour.

I’m extremely happy with the results.

Photo taken from Iphone.

Pohot taken by Camera.

A huge thank you to Kim for doing such an amazing job.
This time I only got a trim as I'm trying to grow my fringe out. At the moment its at the annoying stage lol.

Head over to Zumays Facebook to receive $20 off you’r nect cut and colour. Also please let them know on their wall that Melissa sent you.

Disclaimer: They service was 100% paid for by my own money. I how ever received $20 due to a Birthday gift card


  1. Love your new hair, looks beautiful :)

  2. stunning! I've wanted balayage for so long now. How much did you pay?

  3. I know what you mean by the "annoying stage" as I'm trying to grow out my fringe too. Great haircut and colour

  4. Lovely, I have been tossing up with this idea for a while but just havent got the courage yet to get my hair balayaged.

  5. Thank you all os much for the lovly comments :)

    @emmaabovary: the price was $170.

    @Evanscencessy: I hate that stage so much waaaaa.

    @bbBeauty: Go for it :) don't hold back. This also was a huge change for me as well and I don't regret it one little bit.


  6. looks great, love the curls!

  7. It's a fantastic look, and it's always fun to do something different x
